Terms and Conditions


  • "The business" trades as Hooe’s Yurts and is referred to here as Hooe’ s Yurts.
  • The Hirer" is the person hiring Equipment from Hooe’s Yurts.
  • "The Equipment" is all items provided to or hired by the Hirer.
  • "The period of hire" means the time commencing with the arrival of the Equipment on site, and terminating when the Equipment is removed by Hooe’s Yurts.
  • "A Booking" is the contract entered into by the Hirer and Hooe’s Yurts.


These terms and conditions apply to all contracts entered into by Hooe’s Yurts unless otherwise stated in Hooe’s Yurts written quotation.  Any offer of Equipment is subject to stock being available on receipt of a deposit at the time of Booking.


Hooe’s Yurts will provide canvas and wood Yurts, interiors and furnishings. The number of people you may accommodate within each Yurt is a matter of personal choice according to your preference on personal space.

Payment Terms

  • Quotes are provided on the basis that a Booking is not confirmed until a deposit is received. By making a Booking the Hirer is accepting our Terms and Conditions.
  • A deposit of 50% of the total hire cost is payable on Booking, the remainder to be paid 48hrs before the delivery date. If the event is within 28 days of the Booking date a deposit of 100% will be required.
  • A separate damage deposit for 25% of the hire cost is to be paid with the booking deposit. This is refundable post event if no damage has been done to the Equipment . If the Equipment is damaged the cost of repair will be retained from the damage deposit, or invoiced in the event that the amount is in excess of the damage deposit paid.


In the event of cancellation by the Hirer of all or part of the Equipment, Hooe’s Yurts will either retain from the deposit paid, or invoice in the event that the amount cannot be recovered from the deposit, the following:

  • If cancelled more than 28 days before the first day of the planned hire period: 50% of the hire cost.
  • If cancelled between 14 and 28 days before the first day of the planned hire period: 75% of the hire cost.
  • If cancelled less than 14 days before the first day of the planned hire period: 90% of the hire cost.

Hooe’s yurts retain the right to cancel a booking if they believe the wind speed, snow fall, ground holding conditions or site exposure result in an unsafe environment for the Equipment and Hirer. Hirers will be liable for the full hire fee in the event of any of these issues.


If extreme weather is forecast during the hire period we have the right to decline the erection and use of the structure. This includes high winds and snow. This is for the safety of all concerned. The Company monitors wind and snow forecast daily and if gusting winds which exceed those set out in our wind speeds document or snow is forecast we will endeavour to contact the Hirer and give advice on action to be taken. If the action plan suggested is not followed the Hirer will be liable for any damages, claims by third parties or costs as a result of this not being followed. Hirers will be liable for the full hire fee in the event of late cancellation due to weather. Hirers must be aware of this possibility especially during the winter months and we recommend taking out event insurance.


For the safety of all concerned, the Hirer may not enter the structure during the time the structure is being built. The company cannot be held responsible for any injury or damage sustained by the public in or around the marquee during the hire period. Under no circumstances should the Hirer alter or tamper with any electrical appliance or power lead following installation. This includes extension cables. The Hirer should not “plug in” any electrical appliance or power lead to existing extension cables without first discussing this with a Company representative as this can lead to mains power being overloaded resulting in tripped fuse boxes.

Installation and De-rig

Hooe’s Yurts cannot be held responsible for damage to buried/hidden pipes and cables unless these have been clearly pointed out prior to erection of the yurts on site.

Hooe’s Yurts does not provide power supply or distribution as standard.

The Hire charges do not include attendance by Hooe’s Yurts personnel except during the actual processes of installing and de-rigging the Equipment.

Hirer's responsibilities

  • In the case of provision of tents Hooe’s Yurts quotation for hire charges is dependent on the Hirer's provision of a well drained, flat, grass site with reasonable access for commercial vehicles. If the site for the install is found to be further than 30m from the commercial vehicle parking a fee will applied to the hire.
  • In the case of an interior installation for an existing space, Hooe’s Yurts quotation for hire charges is dependent on the Hirer's assurance that the marquee / building is clear and in good and ready condition for Hooe’s Yurts to commence work on the installation date, with reasonable access for commercial vehicles.
  • The Hirer shall agree in advance, or indicate on site, where Equipment is to be installed and arrange to be present (or provide a representative) on site to confirm details with the Hooe’s Yurts crew at the beginning of the installation. In the case of Hooe’s Yurts having to proceed with an installation at the agreed time and in the absence of the Hirer (or the Hirer's representative) Hooe’s Yurts reserves the right to charge for the re-positioning of Equipment should this be required.
  • The Hirer must guarantee adequate access for the size of vehicle indicated by Hooe's Yurts in the booking process.
  • The Hirer must provide hard standing parking for the delivery vehicle/s. If hard standing is not available there must be means to remove the delivery vehicle/s safely from the site should they become irremovable on both instillation and dismantling days.
  • The Hirer must guarantee that the instillation site is no further than 30m from the delivery vehicle unless previously arranged during the booking process. The Hirer will incur a surcharge if the distance to walk between delivery vehicles and the yurt/s is more than 30m.
  • The Hirer shall take all reasonable measures to keep Hooe’s Yurts Equipment closed, dry and secure while not in use during the period of hire.
  • The Hirer should not tamper with the structure or any part of the Equipment including electrics and in particular not affix or suspend from the Equipment any item whatsoever without written consent of Hooe’s Yurts.
  • The Hirer should not use any lighting, candles, heating, cooking or other gas or electrical appliances of any kind without the previous consent in writing of Hooe’s Yurts.
  • The Hirer will not permit smoking or put any crepe paper/coloured paper or other inflammable materials within 5 metres of any yurt without the previous consent in writing of Hooe’s Yurts.
  • The Hirer should not use straw or hay bales in the yurts
  • The Hirer is responsible for obtaining any site permits that may be necessary.

Wood burning Stoves

Our wood burning stoves are designed for temporary structures. The stoves ducts out of the yurt roof through a double skinned flue and then through a heatproof silicone flashing.  The wood burner sits on a metal hearth. A fire extinguisher will be provided with each wood burner. Our wood burners do not come with fire guards. The wood burner is hot inside and out and hot logs may fall out of the stove door when opened. Any items placed on the wood burner will get hot and may melt.

Hirers responsibilities:

  • The hirer must appoint a single person, not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who will be responsible for the safe use of the stove, and extinguishing it fully before the yurt is vacated at the end of the event.
  • The hirer should not move the fire place and only stoves supplied by Hooe’s Yurts must be used.  
  • If the hirer has guests with small children they must bring the stove to the attention of the parents or guardians.
  • If the stove is knocked from its position Hooe’s Yurts must be contacted immediately. Do not attempt to move a lit stove before contacting us.
  • Only use logs (wood) in the stoves do not use coal or any other fuel.
  • The hirer is responsible for the decision to hire a burner and Hooe’s Yurts cannot be held liable for any injury caused to the hirer or third parties by touching or falling into the stove.

Loss or Damage

(a) The Hirer shall during the period of Hire be responsible for the maintenance and safe custody of Hooe’s Yurt’s Equipment from completion of erection until dismantling.

(b) The Hirer must be satisfied with the Equipment before use and should notify Hooe’s Yurts of any miscounts, incorrect deliveries or unacceptable Equipment before use. Refunds will not be issued after an event has ended.

(c) Hooe’s Yurts expects the Hirer to take reasonable care of Equipment supplied. Damage, loss, or excessive soiling and the resulting loss of potential earnings due to this damage will be charged for in full. Either retained from the damage deposit cheque or invoiced in the event that the amount is in excess of the damage deposit paid.

Third Party Liability

Hooe’s Yurts will not be responsible for, and the Hirer will indemnify Hooe’s Yurts against, all claims for injury to persons, or loss of, or damage to, property, however caused, unless it be proved that such injury or damage resulted from faulty materials, workmanship or negligence on the part of Hooe’s Yurts.


Hooe’s Yurts will use its best endeavours to supply the Hirer with the Equipment ordered but where this is not possible Hooe’s Yurts will notify the Hirer as soon as possible with details of alterations to the design and specifications of the Equipment. Where alteration is fundamental the Hirer may terminate this contract and any deposit paid will be refunded.

Force Majeure

While every effort will be made by the company to carry out any order accepted, the full performance of it is subject to variation or cancellation by the company consequent upon Acts of God, War, Strikes, Riots, Lockouts or any other disturbances. Fire, Flood, Storm, Gale or Tempest restrictions on the use of Transport, Fuel or Power. Requisitioning storage of material or transport or labour or any other cause beyond the control of the Company. Hirers will be liable for the full hire fee in the event of force majeure.

Amy, Max & their team were accommodating, professional and genuinely lovely people. No hidden costs, no added extras, the team worked hard to provide exactly what we'd asked for..
Claire Hedley (Lionhead Studios)